Sa, 05.08.2023
Support: MARCH + TWO AND A HALF GIRL (Konzert - Club)
Einlass: 18:00 | VVK:33EUR | TICKETSmiley face | TICKET 2Smiley face | AK: 37 EUR
After years of relentless touring and two critically acclaimed full albums, MARCH established themselves as a highlight of the European punk rock scene. The Dutch/Belgian quartet takes the freshest parts from rock and punk to give their songs a raw edge, a catchy twist and a positive message. Their goal: making you go harder, drive faster and shake the dust off your bones, all while painting a huge smile on your face.Combining singer Fleur’s uniquely raw voice with an overload of crispy guitar riffs and a high octane rhythm section, MARCH delivers the most intense live show this side of the Bronx. With +150 shows under their belt, the formation has become a well-oiled live machine that thrives on stage.

Gang Green:
Gang Green is history live and are back! They are an American punk rock band originally from Braintree, Massachusetts. Chris Doherty (guitar), Bill Manley (bass) and Mike Dean (drums) started the band in 1980 and broke up in 1983. Doherty reformed Gang Green the following year, and the band experienced numerous line-up changes until its dissolution for the second time in 1992. Doherty has been the band's only constant member and has kept Gang Green active from 2005 onwards. The band was influential in the formation of the East Coast Hardcore Punk scene, and went on to become one of the forerunners of Crossover Thrash and Speed Metal in the late 1980s.

Two And A Half Girl:
This five piece from Utrecht creates their own mix of emo, punk and rock full of raw vocals, sturdy guitars and infectious melodies. The band is not afraid to give their opinion on personal and sensitive issues, such as discussing mental health, alcohol and drug use among young people.The band formed in 2018 and found its current line up in the fall of that year. In early 2019, the band released the EP ‘Prove You Wrong’. This was celebrated with a release show in Paradiso. The EP was supported by two lead singles: ‘Something New’ & ‘Strayed From The Path’. The first mentioned song was featured on Jared Dines’ YouTube channel with 2.9 million subscribers, and the second gained a lot of attention on Spotfiy, giving the band their first song with over 100.000 streams. This gave the band their first international publicity and attention.In 2020, in the middle of the corona pandemic, the band released their EP ‘Disconnected’. The EP received positive reviews from the likes of ‘Guitarist’ and ‘Musicmaker’.
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